My research Idea
By Alexander Zabala
Quantitative methodological approach
The quantitative methodology consists of contrasting existing theories
from a series of hypotheses arising from it, being necessary to obtain a
sample, either randomly or discriminated, but representative of a population or the phenomenon under study.
Therefore, in order to carry out quantitative studies, it is essential
to have a theory already built, since the scientific method used in it is the
deductive one.
Descriptive research
Descriptive research works on factual realities, and its fundamental
characteristic is to present a correct interpretation. For descriptive
research, his primary concern lies in discovering some fundamental
characteristics of homogeneous sets of phenomena, using systematic criteria
that allow their structure or behavior to be revealed. In this way, the notes
that characterize the reality studied can be obtained.
The information will be collected through interviews and surveys, in
order to give a diagnosis close to the social reality found in children of 6th and
7th grade of the institution "X" in the municipality of Ocaña Norte
de Santander.
Analysis units:
In the population of adolescents of the institution "X" of the
day "Z" of courses 6 and 7 grade.
Population unit of analysis (sociodemographic
characteristics of social actors):
Institution X of the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander has
students from different social strata, there are also from different cities in
the country.
Ethical considerations of the study.
In principle, have a responsibility regarding the information provided
and shared in the investigation. In it, there must be a stipulated regulation
to follow the ethical and moral guidelines of the investigation and not to
clash squarely with the selected population. It is important to note that each
piece of information provided to the investigation will have a privilege of
reliability and will carry all the parameters to be carried out in the best
possible way.
BY Ana Lucia Rey Barva
research offers us the possibility of putting the results broadly in a general
way, it gives us control over the phenomena to be analyzed, understanding
everything about them. Likewise, it facilitates the comparison between similar
studies already carried out. It also allows for interpretations and analysis of
experiences, perceptions, and values. Likewise, it provides depth to the data,
interpretative richness, adjusts to the conditions of the stage or environment.
According to Hernández 19 Sampieri (2006), the qualitative approach provides a
general point of view of each of the phenomena, as well as its flexibility,
which approves of being open in its approach.
research is qualitative because it has as its starting point a problem that
arose in my teaching practice, as well as as a researcher I get involved in
research, in the design of didactic material, and the evaluation of the
strengthening of communication skills of English through this strategy. Taking
into account the data collection techniques such as the entry test, the
observation and the analysis of the results of this research process is
flexible, which can be carried out in any educational environment and with any
type of population. Likewise, it adjusts to the conditions or needs of the
The descriptive scope is based on making known the important properties of
communities, people, or groups specifying the variables and results of the
phenomena subjected to analysis, taking into account how they are and how these
phenomena behave.
to Hernández, Fernández, and Baptista (2006), their intention is to measure the
variables independently with the highest possible precision, which allows
making predictions and describing what is being investigated.
our research has a descriptive scope because we seek to identify importantly
aspects of the subjects that are being analyzed. Likewise, we intend to
evaluate different aspects of the phenomena investigated independently, taking
into account the variables to measure the results of the analysis carried out
in what is being investigated.
intended to develop the research with the second-grade students of a private
school in the municipality of Piedecuesta, Santander.
an entrance test, I evaluate the student's level of English with activities of
reading, writing, speaking and listening (communication skills). Then, the
observation of the students in the development of the activities using the
designed material and finally the exit test, which is the one that evaluates
the strengthening of communication skills.
BY Lilibet Zuluaga Sossa
Qualitative approach
Taking into account the last asseveration, is possible to affirm and infer that my research idea is qualitative, because it doesn´t intend to measure numerical results or statistical outcomes, rather the intention for this is to understand phenomenon or situations through narrative or observables data or information, it means and exploratory research that is focused on the study of the particularities and individual experiences of the sample analyzed. On the other hand, the investigation pretends to find possible solutions to a current and observable problem Colombian education is suffering, but with real results observed directly with a group of students from a private school in Cúcuta city.
The qualitative research methods or Qualitative data collection procedures will be used are:
The main method will be used for this research would be Qualitative
observation and for that, I will take field notes on the behavior and activities
of individuals to identify or establish strategies and methodology are appropriated
to solve the problem or work to improve or minimize it.
· Another approach that will be used for this research could be Qualitative interview to the sample or group meddling in the research face-to-face interviews with participants, telephone interviews, or engages in focus groups.
· Look for information in Qualitative documents as a researcher I would be able to consult public documents (newspapers, meeting minutes, official reports) or private documents (personal diaries, letters, emails) to have real and reliable sources´ information.
· The use of TIC would be an opportunity to work in the research. Digital and audiovisual materials these data can be photographs, art objects, videotapes, web pages, emails, text messages, social media texts, and any form of sound.
BY Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz
Dear Alexander, the description of the quantitative methodology within the investigation requires a good exercise of tabulation of variables to obtain the results. I can see that this aspect is very clear in your research. Nice job.
ResponderBorrarDear colleague Lilibeth, the description of your research allows to show that through the qualitative approach the analysis, search for information and observation are sought for the development of the study. I agree when you say that the use of ICTs are an opportunity to work on conducting your research. Nice job.
ResponderBorrarDear Alexander, reading your contributions is possible to observe that you did a conscious research for the development of this task, your individual´s contributions are neat, organized and clear. The group contributions were significant and helpful.
ResponderBorrarDear Ana, my comment for your work is pretty similar to the one I made to Alex´s work, as your contributions is possible to observe that you did a conscious research for the development of this task, your individual´s contributions are neat, organized and clear. The group work and colaboration to the development of this task was equitable, kind and respectfull, I really enjoy to work with all of you.