lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

Cover Presentation

Task 3 


 Alexander Zabala Gomez Code.5468997

 Ana Lucia Rey Barva Code. 1102385735

Lilibet Zuluaga Sossa Code. 45540280

Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz Code. 1096234225

Group: 551031_5


 Luz Adriana Perdomo



 Bachelor's degree in English as a Foreign Language

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

November 30th /2020

STEP 3 Group answer to the questions

ARTICLERead the following article: Ray, B. (2017). A Review of research on Homeschooling and what might educators learn? Pro-Posições, 28(2), 85–103. https://doi:10.1590/1980- 6248-2016-0009 

 What was the motivation for the project?

By Alexander Zabala 

To defend homeschooling; the students who home educated have an average even better than students of public schools. There is another motivation but it is directly of the families: values education, brothers’ relationships, customize the education, more academic accomplishments, and to provide more religious values.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

Make a balance of the results of schooling of students who receive education at home and those who attend public schools, framed in comprehensive education, in values, social, emotional, and psychological principles.

By Lilibet Zuluaga 

The motivation of the project is to study and analyze the incidences of homeschooling led by parents, both for students and parents, and the reasons they have to offer this kind of educational service. The social, emotional, and psychological repercussions that it has on students.

By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

The objective of the project is to relate the education received at home with the schooling in general, focusing on aspects such as academic performance and the social, emotional, and psychological development of students. In other words, this research compares and makes a synthesis between students who received their education at home and those who received it at an educational institution. 

What are the key research questions and how were they investigated?

By Alexander Zabala 

What are the results of the homeschooling strategy?

What, then, are the learner outcomes related to this form of schooling that is often not at all regulated by the state?

Do the child will experience healthy social, emotional, and psychological development.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

What is the academic performance of students who are homeschooled?
What is the result of the effectiveness of this home school model?

These questions were investigated through knowledge tests that allow demonstrating the good formation of the students in a comprehensive way.

By Lilibet Zuluaga

What are the benefits and Incidence that homeschooling has on children educated by their own parents?

What are the reasons, motivations, and events that encourage parents to teach their children at home and adopt homeschooling? 

They were investigated through some population or sample studied over and done with surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and observation. 

Also is possible to observe in the reading clear evidence that allows identifying the research question when they show the passage giving the information or data obtained in surveys “(Ray, 2015a) investigated the motivations of African American parents for choosing to homeschool for their children and the academic achievement of their Black homeschool students” ... (see reviews, e.g. Murphy, 2012; Ray, 2000, 2005, 2013).


By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

What, then, are the learning outcomes related to this form of schooling that is often not regulated at all by the state?

Are mothers and fathers, who are not government-certified teachers, able to continue teaching their children after age 5 through what is called homeschooling?

There have been numerous studies by many researchers that have been completed over the past 30+ years examining the academic performance of the homeschooled population.

Is this quantitative or qualitative research?

By Alexander Zabala 

Quantitative I think; the researcher takes data from surveys which have a sample of about 11739; also, He uses percentiles over statistics data and the surgeries had limited background-independent variables. It had in addition, a limited data number. At the time, it indicates that "he asked parents to mark on a list of reasons or reasons for studying at home." This means that the question was closed and had no range of individual interpretation.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

According to the description of the investigation in the article, they indicate different methods with which information was collected to analyze the results and all these were given through percentages, which describes a quantitative investigation.

By Lilibet Zuluaga 

According to the readings´ information and data observed within this, is possible to infer that this is quantitative research, as they reflect the analysis of statistical data obtained from standardized test results that can be numerically measurable is easy to notice the characteristics of the research.  In addition to that, it shows percentages that makes possible a process of comparing information from the studied population that only can is possible to do only with countable resources and for this case is with quantities or numbers.  

By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

I consider that this research, although it contains quantitative aspects such as the percentages and the amount of research, is qualitative research, taking into account that the data it seeks is related to the quality of an education provided by an unprepared population group, that is, by parents.

Individual SWOTs


SWOT Análysis Quantitative Research By Alexander Zabala

SWOT Análysis Qualitative Research By Alexander Zabala 

SWOT Analysis Quantitative Research By Ana Lucia Rey Barva

SWOT Análysis Qualitative Research By Ana Lucia Rey Barva

SWOT Análysis Qualitative Research By Lilibet Zuluaga Sossa

SWOT Análysis Quantitative Research By Lilibet Zuluaga Sossa

SWOT Análysis Qualitative Research By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

  SWOT Análysis Quantitative Research By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz


Individual research idea methodology

My research Idea 

By Alexander Zabala

Quantitative methodological approach

The quantitative methodology consists of contrasting existing theories from a series of hypotheses arising from it, being necessary to obtain a sample, either randomly or discriminated, but representative of a population or the phenomenon under study.

Therefore, in order to carry out quantitative studies, it is essential to have a theory already built, since the scientific method used in it is the deductive one.

Descriptive research

Descriptive research works on factual realities, and its fundamental characteristic is to present a correct interpretation. For descriptive research, his primary concern lies in discovering some fundamental characteristics of homogeneous sets of phenomena, using systematic criteria that allow their structure or behavior to be revealed. In this way, the notes that characterize the reality studied can be obtained.


The information will be collected through interviews and surveys, in order to give a diagnosis close to the social reality found in children of 6th and 7th grade of the institution "X" in the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander.

Analysis units:

In the population of adolescents of the institution "X" of the day "Z" of courses 6 and 7 grade.

Population unit of analysis (sociodemographic characteristics of social actors):

Institution X of the municipality of Ocaña Norte de Santander has students from different social strata, there are also from different cities in the country.

Ethical considerations of the study.

In principle, have a responsibility regarding the information provided and shared in the investigation. In it, there must be a stipulated regulation to follow the ethical and moral guidelines of the investigation and not to clash squarely with the selected population. It is important to note that each piece of information provided to the investigation will have a privilege of reliability and will carry all the parameters to be carried out in the best possible way.


BY Ana Lucia Rey Barva

Qualitative approach

Qualitative research offers us the possibility of putting the results broadly in a general way, it gives us control over the phenomena to be analyzed, understanding everything about them. Likewise, it facilitates the comparison between similar studies already carried out. It also allows for interpretations and analysis of experiences, perceptions, and values. Likewise, it provides depth to the data, interpretative richness, adjusts to the conditions of the stage or environment. According to Hernández 19 Sampieri (2006), the qualitative approach provides a general point of view of each of the phenomena, as well as its flexibility, which approves of being open in its approach.

My research is qualitative because it has as its starting point a problem that arose in my teaching practice, as well as as a researcher I get involved in research, in the design of didactic material, and the evaluation of the strengthening of communication skills of English through this strategy. Taking into account the data collection techniques such as the entry test, the observation and the analysis of the results of this research process is flexible, which can be carried out in any educational environment and with any type of population. Likewise, it adjusts to the conditions or needs of the participants.

 Descriptive scope of research

The descriptive scope is based on making known the important properties of communities, people, or groups specifying the variables and results of the phenomena subjected to analysis, taking into account how they are and how these phenomena behave.

According to Hernández, Fernández, and Baptista (2006), their intention is to measure the variables independently with the highest possible precision, which allows making predictions and describing what is being investigated.

Consequently, our research has a descriptive scope because we seek to identify importantly aspects of the subjects that are being analyzed. Likewise, we intend to evaluate different aspects of the phenomena investigated independently, taking into account the variables to measure the results of the analysis carried out in what is being investigated.


It's intended to develop the research with the second-grade students of a private school in the municipality of Piedecuesta, Santander.

Data collection

Through an entrance test, I evaluate the student's level of English with activities of reading, writing, speaking and listening (communication skills). Then, the observation of the students in the development of the activities using the designed material and finally the exit test, which is the one that evaluates the strengthening of communication skills.


BY Lilibet Zuluaga Sossa

Qualitative approach

According to Roggers & Waisanen (1969), qualitative research uses data collection without numerical measurement to discover or refine research questions and may or may not test hypotheses in its interpretation process

 Taking into account the last asseveration, is possible to affirm and infer that my research idea is qualitative, because it doesn´t intend to measure numerical results or statistical outcomes, rather the intention for this is to understand phenomenon or situations through narrative or observables data or information, it means and exploratory research that is focused on the study of the particularities and individual experiences of the sample analyzed.  On the other hand, the investigation pretends to find possible solutions to a current and observable problem Colombian education is suffering, but with real results observed directly with a group of students from a private school in Cúcuta city. 

 The qualitative research methods or Qualitative data collection procedures will be used are:

·         The main method will be used for this research would be Qualitative observation and for that, I will take field notes on the behavior and activities of individuals to identify or establish strategies and methodology are appropriated to solve the problem or work to improve or minimize it.

 ·         Another approach that will be used for this research could be Qualitative interview to the sample or group meddling in the research face-to-face interviews with participants, telephone interviews, or engages in focus groups.

·         Look for information in Qualitative documents as a researcher I would be able to consult public documents (newspapers, meeting minutes, official reports) or private documents (personal diaries, letters, emails) to have real and reliable sources´ information.

·         The use of TIC would be an opportunity to work in the research.  Digital and audiovisual materials these data can be photographs, art objects, videotapes, web pages, emails, text messages, social media texts, and any form of sound.


BY Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

Qualitative methodological approach:

The research approach to be used will be the qualitative approach primarily, since within the tools to be used is the observation and recording within the field diary. On the other hand, taking into account that surveys will also be developed, the research will also have a quantitative part.

Descriptive research:

Descriptive research tries to pin down the main characteristics of the population being studied. This methodology focuses especially on the "what" of research. That is, it describes the research topic, without emphasizing the “why” things happen. One of the main characteristics of this type of research is to present a correct interpretation of what is observed or analyzed.


Within the research process, the observation, its due record in the field journal, some surveys and some interviews will be carried out. All this in order to collect enough information to analyze it and generate the correct conclusions.

Ethical considerations of the study:

It is important to be clear that the aspects to be taken into account within this research are not the names or personal data of the participants, but their experiences, attitudes and responses to the situations that arise. Each tool applied will have its respective protocol and prior permits, as well as a document with all the conditions and uses established and clarified. 



The research methodology is a very important aspect for the development of the study that is intended to be carried out, thus complying with the characteristics of each research. The purpose of this work is to describe the methodology of quantitative and qualitative research, in addition to describing our research proposal and selecting the type of methodology according to the study to be investigated.

Also with the development of this task, the members of the course will be able to distinguish between qualitative research and quantitative research through SWOT analysis and improve the individual's research ideas. 


Harmon, A. (2020). SWOT analysis. Salem Press Encyclopedia. om/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=100259317&lang=es&site=edslive&scope=site

Mr.Sinn. (2019, October 23). Qualitative and Quantitative Research [Video]. YouTube. 

get psyched. (2018, August 27). Qualitative vs Quantitative – Understanding Qualitative and Quantitative Research [Video]. YouTube. 

Tine Wade. (2017, May 1). Qualitative & Quantitative – An Introduction [Video]. YouTube. 

PlanningTank. (2017, March 3). The differences between Qualitative and Quantitative research [Video]. YouTube.

Ray, B. (2017). A Review of research on Homeschooling and what might educators learn? Pro-Posições, 28(2), 85–103. https://doi:10.1590/1980- 6248-2016-0009

Bowen, Glenn A., 2009, 'Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method', Qualitative Research Journal. This is a peer-reviewed article


Cover Presentation

Task 3  QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH   Alexander Zabala Gomez  Code. 5468997   Ana Lucia Rey Barva  Code. 1102385735 Lilibet Zuluag...