lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

STEP 3 Group answer to the questions

ARTICLERead the following article: Ray, B. (2017). A Review of research on Homeschooling and what might educators learn? Pro-Posições, 28(2), 85–103. https://doi:10.1590/1980- 6248-2016-0009 

 What was the motivation for the project?

By Alexander Zabala 

To defend homeschooling; the students who home educated have an average even better than students of public schools. There is another motivation but it is directly of the families: values education, brothers’ relationships, customize the education, more academic accomplishments, and to provide more religious values.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

Make a balance of the results of schooling of students who receive education at home and those who attend public schools, framed in comprehensive education, in values, social, emotional, and psychological principles.

By Lilibet Zuluaga 

The motivation of the project is to study and analyze the incidences of homeschooling led by parents, both for students and parents, and the reasons they have to offer this kind of educational service. The social, emotional, and psychological repercussions that it has on students.

By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

The objective of the project is to relate the education received at home with the schooling in general, focusing on aspects such as academic performance and the social, emotional, and psychological development of students. In other words, this research compares and makes a synthesis between students who received their education at home and those who received it at an educational institution. 

What are the key research questions and how were they investigated?

By Alexander Zabala 

What are the results of the homeschooling strategy?

What, then, are the learner outcomes related to this form of schooling that is often not at all regulated by the state?

Do the child will experience healthy social, emotional, and psychological development.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

What is the academic performance of students who are homeschooled?
What is the result of the effectiveness of this home school model?

These questions were investigated through knowledge tests that allow demonstrating the good formation of the students in a comprehensive way.

By Lilibet Zuluaga

What are the benefits and Incidence that homeschooling has on children educated by their own parents?

What are the reasons, motivations, and events that encourage parents to teach their children at home and adopt homeschooling? 

They were investigated through some population or sample studied over and done with surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and observation. 

Also is possible to observe in the reading clear evidence that allows identifying the research question when they show the passage giving the information or data obtained in surveys “(Ray, 2015a) investigated the motivations of African American parents for choosing to homeschool for their children and the academic achievement of their Black homeschool students” ... (see reviews, e.g. Murphy, 2012; Ray, 2000, 2005, 2013).


By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

What, then, are the learning outcomes related to this form of schooling that is often not regulated at all by the state?

Are mothers and fathers, who are not government-certified teachers, able to continue teaching their children after age 5 through what is called homeschooling?

There have been numerous studies by many researchers that have been completed over the past 30+ years examining the academic performance of the homeschooled population.

Is this quantitative or qualitative research?

By Alexander Zabala 

Quantitative I think; the researcher takes data from surveys which have a sample of about 11739; also, He uses percentiles over statistics data and the surgeries had limited background-independent variables. It had in addition, a limited data number. At the time, it indicates that "he asked parents to mark on a list of reasons or reasons for studying at home." This means that the question was closed and had no range of individual interpretation.

By Ana Lucia Rey 

According to the description of the investigation in the article, they indicate different methods with which information was collected to analyze the results and all these were given through percentages, which describes a quantitative investigation.

By Lilibet Zuluaga 

According to the readings´ information and data observed within this, is possible to infer that this is quantitative research, as they reflect the analysis of statistical data obtained from standardized test results that can be numerically measurable is easy to notice the characteristics of the research.  In addition to that, it shows percentages that makes possible a process of comparing information from the studied population that only can is possible to do only with countable resources and for this case is with quantities or numbers.  

By Angie Paola Ortiz Ruiz

I consider that this research, although it contains quantitative aspects such as the percentages and the amount of research, is qualitative research, taking into account that the data it seeks is related to the quality of an education provided by an unprepared population group, that is, by parents.

1 comentario:

  1. According to the researhc,
    Quantitative is a model and we agree with that. Data management is something that we can see in the research model. The test and surveys are part of general studies but we can infer that in particular studies may be the Mix approach is also a good tool to know another kind of conditions; in this case home education.


Cover Presentation

Task 3  QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH   Alexander Zabala Gomez  Code. 5468997   Ana Lucia Rey Barva  Code. 1102385735 Lilibet Zuluag...